New to CCSD, the VISIA Imaging Complexion Analysis
Published by Marketing Team
The system captures multi-spectral photos of the face, and provides an in-depth analysis of your individual facial characteristics. These measures are an indirect but objective measure of your skin’s health and appearance. By analyzing multiple factors of the skin, it assists in providing additional objective information to guide your skin care regime. Additionally, VISIA provides informative comparison of your complexion’s characteristics to other patients of the same sex, age and skin type.
The VISIA imaging system helps your CCSD provider develop a targeted treatment program, communicate more effectively and track improved outcomes with greater accuracy. This makes it possible to design rejuvenation and skin care regimens for specific patient needs. Combined with a full assessment by one of CCSD’s highly trained providers, the VISIA provides a full dermal analysis to help devise the best treatment plan for you. Call our office at 312-245-9965 option 2, to schedule any rejuvenation or skin care appointment and mention you’d like to get a VISIA Analysis!