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A long lasting filler for acne scars and volume loss.

What is Bellafill®?

Bellafill® is a long lasting, injectable filler composed of collagen and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. It is FDA approved for the correction of lower face wrinkles called nasolabial folds (or smile lines) and provides a great treatment solution for acne scars. As an injectable product it is distinctive – the injected collagen immediately adds volume to lift depressions and soften wrinkles while the PMMA microspheres support your own collagen growth over time. Patients see visible correction from the very first treatment. As the injected collagen will gradually deplete over time, the microspheres provide benefit for up to five years.

At our busy River North, Chicago based office we see and treat patients of all ages, both for cosmetic and general dermatology services. Acne scars can be a disfiguring concern for patients of all ages. Although an individual can be more predisposed to scarring the first step is always to ensure your break outs are under control before beginning any treatment to correct any ice pick, box car or rolling scars. Bellafill® is the perfect choice for reducing the depth of acne scarring or pitting. Injecting small amounts with a controlled technique can provide excellent results to even out skin depressions and imperfections.

Before & After results Bellafill® Treatment Before & After results Bellafill® Treatment

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