An Esthetician’s Point of View | The Truth about Peels
An Esthetician’s point of view…
The Truth about Peels
I decided to blog about peels this month to help clarify and put to rest some notions that peels are scary and require days of downtime. In the early days of peels, it was believed that the more aggressive the peel the better the treatment. As such, peels were composed of a high percentage of a single acids that had to be neutralized and rinsed off, leaving your skin with a sunburnt appearance for several days.
Here at CCSD we use different yet equally effective peels when used properly.
PCA (Physicans Choice Alliance, LLC) peels are different because it’s a layered and leave on treatment. The peel slowly gets released into the skin over the next 5-8 hours and you rinse it off. Minimal flaking of the skin occurs between days 3-5 and you’ll be sent home with a post procedure kit that you will use to minimize the potential for complications and increase positive patient outcome.
Some of the benefits to having the PCA peels done are that they effectively exfoliate and brighten with blends of Lactic, Citric and Salicylic acids, and Resorcinol, while promoting an even skin color with Kojic acid and Hydroquinone. These peels help encourage a clear complexion and soften the appearance of lines to provide a more even and smooth skin texture. These are great for overall skin health and maintenance.
Myths and Truths
Should skin peel after having a peel treatment? No, visible exfoliation doesn’t determine the efficacy of the treatment. Generally, healthy skin has less visible exfoliation as well as patients that use topical prescriptions on a regular basis. Exfoliation often takes place at the cellular level and is not always apparent to the naked eye.
Could skin be too sensitive for a chemical peel? Sensitive skin is defined as a heightened intolerance to certain topical products or external factors. PCA’s Sensi-Peel is formulated as a unique peeling option for all patients, including those with highly sensitive skin.
To find out which PCA peel is right for you I encourage you to meet with me, a Licensed Esthetician. I am also certified with PCA Skin. (Physicians Care Alliance) The consultation is free and the cost per treatment is $200 and a series of 6 for $1000 and could be performed every 3-4 weeks.